Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feature it!

Exposure! Damn this stuff is time consuming.

I know you're probably sick of hearing about us by now, but if you have a moment, zip over to our indiegogo page, scroll down to the bottom right and hit the "feature it!" button.

This tells the admin that you want our project to show up on the first page of the
indiegogo site, which gives us much more exposure and I'm going to say quadruples our chances at meeting our fundraising goal.

We had auditions this week and they went pretty well. It was actually super fun. We hadn't been down that road for a while. It's a weird thing to have people come in one at a time and perform for you... I won't make any announcements yet because we haven't informed the cast who they are, we'll be getting down to that later this week.

In an attempt to make this blog a little more blog-like I'm going to try talking about my feelings!

So I'll be honest, since we started this crowdfunding thing, I've begun to feel the looming pressure of having outside funding sources, even though it's mostly been family and friends. It raises the stakes for the entire project... It's weird because when you invest 3 or 4 grand of your own money, somehow it doesn't have the same effect. There's a constant need to justify the film, to say to people ya it's worth the money and it's going to be great! When it's your own money you can say, I'm not sure if it's worth it but I find it interesting and I just want to do it anyway...

But when you just can't afford it yourself, you gotta start believing that it's always worth it. And I think it is. And if other people believe it to that shouldn't be a stress, that should be a relief. And in the end it's all just make-believe so I try to remind myself to relax and enjoy it.

As Adrian would say "Holy Moses girl! Don't sweat the small stuff!"

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